The Law & Order franchise is one of the most popular television series in recent history. The original series first aired on September 13, 1990, and introduced police officers who investigated crimes and district attorneys who prosecuted offenders. The show has continued to grow and is still going strong today with several spin-off series. To learn more about this television franchise, see our Law & Order franchise timeline. This is a list of episodes still on air.
NBC recently ordered a spin-off series, Law & Order: Organized Crime. The new show has the most connections to the original Law & Order. Organized Crime premiered as a backdoor pilot of SVU in 2021. It starred Christopher Meloni, who had starred in several episodes of the original series. The two franchises are related through One Chicago. This shows how the original law and order show evolved into what we know today.
Since the original series began, many of the series’ characters have risen to stardom. These detectives have risked their lives in the name of justice. They fight to bring criminals to justice and get the victims the justice they deserve. Some of these detectives have even made their way onto other shows, including Law & Order SVU and Law & Order Criminal Intent. The Law & Order franchise timeline highlights the success of these characters.
Criminal Intent followed the Major Case Squad of the New York City Police Department. It portrayed the work of the detective duo Robert Goren and Alexandra Eames. It incorporated the ripped-from-the-headlines format and featured several notable characters, including Jeff Goldblum, Annabella Sciorra, and Courtney B. Vance. Aside from these notable characters, many other notable actors have appeared in the series.
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