Novels, crime novels, thrillers… Book categories could be enumerated endlessly here. Every reader has different preferences when choosing books. So there are also many readers who like to read something about casinos. And what could be better than sinking into the couch after a stressful day and browsing through some exciting literature? It is even better if you can learn something in the process!
A Man for All Markets: How I Beat the Casino and the Market by Edward O. Thorp
The author himself is well known in the casino industry, but not only that, because he is also a true legend in the financial market. In fact, the book is based on true events from the past of Edward O. Thorp, who actually worked as a mathematics professor. With his mathematical knowledge, he actually invented a method that made him unbeatable in blackjack. If you want to know more about Thorp’s story, you should not miss this book flowerstips.
Blackjack for Beginners: 60 Strategy Examples in Words and Pictures by Charles Cordonnier
For anyone who might want to come out of the with some profit, this is the book for you. On 200 pages the author explains the best strategies for Blackjack. The many illustrations and examples make it very easy to understand, even for complete beginners. So before you go to the casino next time, you should definitely have read this book lifestylefun.
The Las Vegas Coup: Computer Geniuses Break the Bank by Thomas A. Bass
Time and again, it’s a topic in movies and books: Illegal counting in casinos. If you are now thinking: “Oh God – not another one of those”, you are very much mistaken, because Thomas A. Bass, wrote this story, which is based on a true incident partyguise, so exciting that you won’t want to put it aside. So read more about a group of super-intelligent students who try to turn their intelligence into money in casinos.
True casino fans should not miss these books, because here you can fully immerse yourself in the world of casinos musicalnepal.
Scarne’s Complete Guide to Gambling by John Scarne
There is no current news about the author John Scarne, because the well-known expert on gambling was born back in 1903 and is no longer alive. However, he was considered a true hero of gambling until his passing in 1985.
For magicians, for gamblers and especially for card lovers he was of the highest interest and thanks to his strategy book interested people can even learn from him. The book was published in 1961 and still is one of the highlights on the world market.
Exciting stories about famous people from the gambling scene, tips and strategies, but also a bit of mathematics can be found in this encyclopedia, which interested gamblers should not miss.
beating the casinos at their own game by Peter Svoboda
Peter Svoboda has written a book aimed primarily at newcomers to the casino world. Written for beginners, games and the most important mathematical basics are explained in detail.
An important part of the content is the correct behavior in the casino, because the charisma also plays an important role. Experienced gamblers can still learn something with this strategy book, however, and it may be worthwhile to give the colorfully illustrated guide a place in your own library.
The World Greatest Blackjack Book by Humble and Cooper
On average, Germans have over 50 books in their bookshelf, and for true card fans, The World Greatest Blackjack Book is a must. 432 pages of pure strategy for beginners, but also for advanced players who want to learn more.
The book is suitable for everyone who counts the game of blackjack among his favorites. The authors not only comprehensively explain the entire rules of the simple card game, but also deal with card counting strategies and discuss casino play in general. Even today, the diverse ideas and tips that were written down back in 1987 can be applied.