The in-depth fictional world of Gary Frank and Geoff Johns, The Unnamed Universe, continues to grow as the Geiger series spinoff Junkyard Joe completes its first volume in late January 2023. Paramount Studios’ television division decided to turn the comic books into a television show in October 2022.
An Original Universe Makes for Great Sales
What led to this flurry of creation? Because its creators have made significant contributions to the world of comic books, the industry held high hopes for Geiger, but the independently produced comic still surprised everyone with its immense popularity.
As its final issue shipped, distributors bought it out, basing their need on how the first five issues had sold. Before it hit the stands, Geiger’s final issue went through its first printing and its second printing.
Creating Historical and Futuristic Fiction from Scratch
Geiger presents a unique proposition in the existing comic book landscape. Instead of using existing characters or tying into an established storyline, it creates from scratch. Set in Las Vegas, Nevada in 2050, the story moves from the future to the historical past and back again a few times.
Rather than only focusing on Geiger, the six issues of its first and only volume introduce a plethora of other characters. Variously referred to as Glow Man and Atomic Cowboy, Tariq Geiger has no friends once his family ensconced themselves in a nuclear fallout shelter beneath their home.
The Sole Survivor of a Nuclear Attack
Most of the rest of the world dies and he somehow survives the nuclear rain of terror. Glowing with the hope of someday reuniting with his wife and children, Geiger fiercely protects their home and the entrance to the shelter.
Others did survive the nuclear holocaust though. They want to pillage every location and steal whatever they can to amass wealth and power in the New Vegas.
The Nevada desert teems with undesirables from post-apocalyptic mob bosses to creatures created from nuclear waste. Geiger only wants to read books in his library and bide time until he can hug his family again. The hope of reuniting with them becomes the overarching emotion that keeps him going.
Creating Intricate Characters with Depth
Instead of creating cardboard characters, the creators of Geiger fleshed out his personality and that of the many villains. Even the killer robot, Junkyard Joe, receives his due. Created in a story arc that takes place in 1972 in Vietnam, the military later re-programs Joe to become an evil assassin. Originally a paragon of virtue because he’s programmed that way, Joe can’t feel the conflict of the change within him, but in the spinoff series, Junkyard Joe, the comic’s creators delve into his making and remaking.
The depth of each character and the many planned spinoffs contribute to the ease with which comic book fans took to The Unnamed Universe, the setting for Geiger, Junkyard Joe, and soon, Redcoat. With stories spanning from 1774 to 2050, Geigerverse provides something for everyone. It sets part of its integrated story in history, part of it in the near present (2025), and part of it in the far future.